Highlighted Unique Custom USB and TRRS Keyboard Cable Projects
Ivailo KostadinovShare
Hello! We have so many amazing little projects that are not visible to the world. I'll be happy to share some of them in here. I am surely giving most of the credit to our talented customers. Most of these custom cables are designed by them. I hope people will find some inspiration in this little blog.
Custom USB C and TRRS coiled cables in "Galaxy" Theme
Both cables are in our "Galaxy" theme. The TRRS is 6" and the USB C is 4" with painted in black Lemo-style connector. A very classy dark look!
Custom USB C and TRRS coiled cables in "Coffee Cream" Theme

This set of cables are both with a 4" coils. The host cable is in white, and the coiled part is in our "Coffee Cream" theme. The detachable connector is Gx16 Aviator painted in white and the heat-shrink we used is white matte.
Custom USB and TRRS Coiled Cables "Cream"

This set is a combination of a coiled TRRS and USB C cable. Both have 4" coils and golden TRRS connectors, Yc8 connector and gold-plated USB A and C connectors. The model is our "Cream" coiled cable. It's surely one of my favororte. We really enjoyed crafting it!
*You can easily configure a set like this with a few steps. For example for this model - "Cream". Use the names of the models to match them.
You can first configure your custom TRRS cable here. > Add to cart > And here you can build your custom USB wire - Cream > Add to cart > Check out!
A coiled TRRS cable, a straight custom USB C cable and a custom JST cable.
- For a very special client! Its a set of 3 cables.
an 8" coiled TRRS cable with white techflex, black Paracord, and silver TRRS connectors. A straight custom USB cable with same colors and white Gx16 Aviator. The third cable was a custom JST for the Trackball mouse.
Overall it took longer than expected, but our client was extremely patient and helpful (it was our first cutom JST cable). Love the final result!
Coiled USB C to C cable and a coiled TRRS cable

This combo is pretty unique for us. Its the first time we tried painting with Cerakote a Mini XLR connector. We are pretty happy with the final result and I'll surely add painted Mini XLRs in the shop soon.
The specifications of this custom cables are:
8" Coil, Painted in Robins Egg Mini XLR and TRRS connectors, USB C, with white heat-shink. The model is our Pastel Jelly Rainbow coiled cable.
A set of white USB C coiled cable, straight USB cable charging dock
A very clean overall look. I am very happy to be a part of it. Its actually a set of 3 cables. All white, an 6" coiled USB C cable with Yc8 connector, and 2 straight USB cable for charging docks for the mouse and headphones.
The models are our "Snow" coiled cable.
Coiled TRRS Custom Cable with a straight USB C Cable
This cutie was ordered in our Etsy shop. It's equipped with 4" coiled TRRS cable with painted with Cerakote TRRS connectors, and a straight custom USB C cable with painted in pink Cerakote Gx16 Aviator.
The model is our "Baby pink" coiled cable.
Coiled custom USB C Cable and Custom Coiled TRRS Cable
This amazing setup has 2 custom cables in it. Both 8", the USB cable is with USB C to C connection, white Gx16 Aviator, and heat-shrink, with a MacBook host. The TRRS cable is equipped also with 8" coil and painted with white Cerakote TRRS connectors.
Both cables are of our "Snow" cable model.
A set of Cables for GMK Botanical Keycaps
After spending some years now in this hobby, GMK Botanical keycaps are probably my top 3 keycaps all time. I was very happy designing these models and I have received some great feedback from our clients.
The presented cable are equipped with white and darker green Gx16 aviators, white heat-shrink and direction 1 and 5.
You can check out the models here:
Custom cable Botanical, Custom cable Dark Botanical
Dark Botanical straight TRRS and coiled USB Cables
Another beautiful and clean setup. Receving reviews with photos like this one is very fulfilling. Just top of my list!
The cables are: A very short straight TRRS cable (15-16cm.) and a coiled USB C, with brown heat-shrink and darker green Gx16 Aviator.
The models are of our Dark Botanical cable.
Light Botanical Coiled Cable
A very cute and well-placed short coiled cable in our Botanical theme. The cable is 4" long, with white heat-shrink and white Gx16 connector. Short coils have their charm indeed.
The cable can be customized here: Botanical
All black coiled TRRS and USB C Custom Cables
A look that matches everything! Black is always a classy and clean way to go. The short description would be "All black", but I'll share the specs for the newer people in the hobby.
The cables are both 8" coils. Top one is a TRRS cable with black TRRS connectors. The USB cable is equipped with USB C, black Lemo style connector, and black heat-shrink.
The model is our Black Widow cable.
A straight USB C Cable, and coiled TRRS set in our "Ash" model
Pretty stellar look! Its a double 90 degree coiled TRRS cable, 20cm., with cerakoted in black TRRS connectors, Ash model (here). With a straight USB C cable with Yc8 connector and grey heat-shrink (here).
A custom build for a Split Keyboard with USB C ports
Pretty unique build. Its a coiled USB C cable in our "Terror Below" theme. Connected to an adapter and 2 extensions USB C to C connected to the boards. Surely one of a kind.
Red Dragon Build
Black and red USB cable with red Gx16 and a TRRS cable with cerakoted black straight TRRS connectors. Both 16 cm. Brings a stellar bloody vibe to your desk.
Both in our "Red Dragon" theme.
Pastel Blue Vibes
A very beautiful setup. Pastel blue brings calm and peaceful vibes. Our cable is a 16cm. TRRS cable with white angled TRRS connectors in our "Pastel blue" theme. You can customize it here > Custom TRRS builder
Pastel Jelly TRRS and USB C setup
Discover the Adorable Duo Loved by Our Customers: Pastel Jelly USB and TRRS Cables. Available in 6" and 5" lengths, featuring white heat-shrink and painted in charming Robin's Egg blue Gx16 and TRRS connectors. Perfectly complements a variety of pastel-themed builds
Both cables can be customized here and here.
All White TRRS and USB Coiled Cables
An 8" coiled TRRS with angled TRRS connectors with a 7" Coiled USB C cable with Aviator connector. Everything in white! Sadly, we don't have a photo of the final setup. Hopefully soon we will :).
Classy set of Cables in a Custom Silver Color
Both cables are 4-5" with black heat-shrink and Gx16 connecotr. The color is custom made in order to fit best our clients setup. Overall the result was a classy look.
Stunning set of our "Galaxy" Theme

Both cables are equiped with 8" Coils. The heat-shrink is black matte. The Flemo connector is painted in black the Cerakote. The end result is a stellar look!
You can customize your here.